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"My best friend thought it would be funny to take a picture of a girl we don't like and photoshop it as a donkey. He sent it to the whole freshman class via Snapchat. I felt  so bad for her, I wanted to warn her but I didn't want to lose my

   friends either."

- anonymous (male, 16 years old) 



"In middle school my "friends" thought it would be funny to text me as my crush. One night I received a text saying he wanted to meet behind the bleachers and to wear a blind fold. What happened next was embarrassing and cruel. I was kissed under the bleachers by one of the "geeks" of the school and my "friends" took a picture and posted it on Facebook. I didn't know who I kissed until I saw the picture. I ended up moving to another school district."


- anonymous (female, 18 years old)

"My college boyfriend would send my nudes to all his friends."


    - anonymous (male, 20 years old) 

  "My daughter had to delete all of her social media accounts because of how cruel her peers were to her on there. She was called a "hoe" because she posted a picture of herself wearing a bikini."


    - anonymous (mother of a 11 year old daughter) 

"My, 6 year old, son use to use my Snapchat to post pictures of himself and share with his friends. One of my friends messaged me asking me if my son was a "fag" and my son read the message. I was unaware of the message and my son did not know what "fag" meant, so he responded saying yes. News spread in the community and one day my son came home crying saying people kept calling him a fag. I had to remove him from the school and delete my snapchat."


    - anonymous (mother of a 7 years old son) 

I am in the 7th grade boy, age 12. My family is not rich like the popular kid's families at my school. These popular kids make fun of our hand me down and thrift store clothes all the time. I recently created a Facebook profile. I can handle the face to face teasing mostly. But when they started taking pictures of me then posting them on Facebook and talking about my not so cool clothes (to put it nicely) it really bothered me. My younger brother came up to me and asked me what it meant to be poor and a "skag" which is what they call us poorer kids. My family far away saw the pictures and comments to. I want to stay at home and be home-schooled now, but both my parents have to work so we can pay rent. I am so embarrassed now to go to school cause we can't afford cool clothes.


    - anonymous 

I was cyberbullied by a person who I believed up until recently as my friend. We had been friends for about seven years and he knew all my secrets and I knew his. One day we had a fight over who would get to ask the girl to the dance, eventually I let him have the girl, it wasn't worth losing our friendship over. But my friend thought differently, he had hacked my Facebook page and told the girl and all my friends, including my conservative family members that I was gay. The truth is I am gay but wasn't ready for the world to know. He even posted a picture of me photoshopped with another guy kissing. My family was shocked and told me I had to "become straight" or I couldn't live in this house. I chose to "become straight" and forgave my best friend... That day not only did I lose my myself but my best friend too!


- anonymous (male, 20 years old)

When I was in middle school some girls took a picture of me changing my clothes in the locker room. They posted it on Myspace and the whole school saw, including my sort of boyfriend. Long story short, the principal called us in and I ended up getting in trouble for ignoring the "bullying" I experienced. The truth is I had told the principal and my teacher who both told me and my mom "kids will be kids" and to "grow a thicker skin". This problem needs to be addressed and taken seriously!!!


- anonymous (female, 25 years old)

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